Programs, Trainings, Peer-Support

Why should I enroll myself or my group in a Training?
eCPR is a public health educational program designed by persons with a lived experience of recovery from trauma or mental health challenges to teach people of all backgrounds and professions to assist others through emotional crisis. Emotional crisis is a universal experience.
eCPR has been taught globally for over a decade, is evidence-based, and has been facilitated in human healthcare, veterinary medicine, criminal justice/police groups, social work and peer-assistance groups, schools and youth, general public, and more. CEUs are available for many professions. The training is applicable to ALL backgrounds and experience levels. In addition to saving lives, eCPR becomes a way of life.

Introduction to eCPR: 1-3 hour formats, learn the basics and continue with a full eCPR 12-hour Certification Course

eCPR Trainings:
Online/Virtual &
12 hours in various formats.

WeCPR Peer Support:
Community Practice

Sit. Stay. Feel. Resonant Mindfulness
6-Week Intro Course
Introductory Session (1-3 hours in length) are available online or in person, to introduce the fundamentals of eCPR. A brief didactic session may be followed by a real-play to demonstrate the practical application of eCPR. This introduction is a great way to introduce your group, staff members, or organization to the What, Why, and How of eCPR and generate interest for a full eCPR 12-hour Training Course.
eCPR is available online and in-person. With Covid concerns, eCPR was successfully converted to a virtual experiential training. Online also facilitates trainees from all regions and time-zones to participate.
The full course is 12 hours of training. Typically divided across 2-3 days. Groups consist of 10-20 participants and two Trainers or a Trainer and an Educator.
Introductory Session (1-3 hours in length) are also available online or in person, to introduce the fundamentals of eCPR.
eCPR grads are welcome to participate in ongoing WeCPR community sessions to practice, get support, network and maintain skills. Schedule will be updated on the FB Page ECPR for LIFE and under Calendar.
Please email directly for information about training course fees and registration. Costs are typically divided by the number of participants. Scholarships are occasionally available for those in need of financial assistance.
If you would like to donate, support a training, or pay-it-forward, please reach out!
The SIT. STAY. FEEL. course is a 6-week, 2-hours per session, introduction to the fundamentals of mindful awareness. This incredible program gives participants an opportunity to learn meditation and mindfulness practices in a supportive community. The perfect adjunct to eCPR for deepening your presence and mindful listening skills.
Topics include meditation postures, mindful listening skills, dealing with difficult emotions, RAIN, loving-kindness practice, mindfulness of breath and body, how to sit with physical pain, and much more.
Taught by Dr. Robson, Mindfulness Teacher with MTI. Available online or in-person.
One-to-One Peer Support
In addition to leading and facilitating eCPR Trainings, WeCPR Community gatherings, and the Six-Week Introduction to Mindful Awareness SIT courses, I am available for one-to-one private peer support sessions. These sessions are not intended to be, nor are a replacement for, therapy provided by a licensed mental health professional; however, sometimes we simply need to feel heard! Whether you are interested in deepening your mindfulness meditation practice, need to explore a challenging situation, or simply need to feel profoundly heard, please reach out to discuss how I may be of support in your journey.